BAA (Kyambogo university), PGDTE (Kyambogo University), M.A Kiswahili (IslamicUniversity in Uganda), PhD (Maseno University)

Lecturer of Kiswahili department of Kiswahili,Institute of Language Studeis. Programmes Coordinator Kiswahili, Chairperson Quality Assurance Institute of Language Studies, member sub-senate Quality Assurance Committee Kabale University.

P.o Box 34, Kampala,Uganda

Email address:aidahmutenyo@gmail.com or amutenyo@kab.ac.ug or mwanafunzimahiri@gmail.com


Dr.Mutenyo Aidah is a Ugandan citizen teaching General linguistics, literature and teaching methods in Kiswahili at Kabale University, Uganda. Lecturer, supervisor and examiner for undergraduate and post graduate programmes. Coordinator for programmes in Kiswahili department and chairperson quality assurance in the Institute of Language studies. Translator of texts in English,Kiswahili, Lumasaba,luganda and other African Languages. Trained teacher educator for both face to face and online pedagogy.Peer reviwer of Kioo cha lugha Kiswahili Journal of the Institute of Kiswahili Research –University of Dar es Salaam, Reviewer for Jarida la Mnyampala –Tanzanzia. Writer for a novella MWANGA by Fountain publishers. Have contributed in different short story books for example Safari ya Matarajio na Hadithi Nyingine and Fumbo la Zinge na Hadithi nyingine , Kiswahili Poetry book GALA LA MWAFRIKA-Fountainns publisher. Former chairperson East Africak Kiswahili association for Kiswahili scholar (CHAKAMA), Board member Global Association for promotion of Kiswahili CHAUKIDU. Kiswahili association for ropoting Kiswahili in Uganda (CHAKITAU), Member of Kiswahili association of Kenya (CHAKITA).Participated in workshops and research: East Africa Kiswahili Commission on Implimenting Kiswahili as language of wider Communication. Participated in the development of principles to establish Kiswahili Council in Uganda,participated in the development of Principles and Guideline on the development of the Manual for Parliamentarians of Uganda, Paricipated in the development of the Manual to train parliamentarians of Uganda Kiswahili. Participated in the regional development of the road map to develop Kiswahili as a languge of East Africa. Taught Kiswahili to students on visiting programme from Norway. Dr.Mutenyo Aidah is an assessor trained by National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) in Uganda, hands on experience in curriculum development both at the University and secondary schools in Uganda. Have taught in several schools, Universities in Uganda and East Africa as a visiting scholar in the University of Nairobi and Maasi Mara both in Kenya.

Project Experience

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