Jul 20, 2024

Today’s arena

uncashed airuntaxed atmosphereso clear with broken pieceswith blooded freedom speechunbothered literacyguarded opportunitiesopposite unattractive polesstrained consciousdarkened futurewhat’s more to label minea ticking backwards clockor a ticking mineunfulfilled promisesunrealistic wisheswith empty words sliced with honeybitteredRead More

Jun 21, 2024

Heartbreak Beating

Heartbreak started by loving him How I desperately wanted him by me To be mine, feel his warmth He had it all. All that all women desire and he was the only oneRead More

Jun 21, 2024

He Rules My Heart

A chance to live on, in memories and dreams, Of a time when love was more than it seems. So I’ll hold onto those memories, forevermore, And dance in the rain, as IRead More

Jun 21, 2024

The Strong Ones

The strong ones and the strength Do you see them? Do you see it? I’ve noticed it That black limo the black men  or men in black and the black hired guns. TheRead More

Jun 21, 2024

My Weak Heart

Can I open up for you to see? You won’t fill the cup so let it be. The body is partly dead Just want to drift away I’m so so tired Same razorsRead More

Oct 4, 2023


ANCIENT POTRAIT On the balcony stood Haji with lots of gratification and delight. Before his eyes was the view of the great Mzee Mwinyi’s mansion. To him, calling such a house a mansionRead More

Oct 4, 2023

Kaa la moto

Kaa la moto Upande wa kushoto alisimama mwanamke mmoja mwenye kimo kirefu na rangi ya ngozi yake ni nyeusi tii! Mbele yake alisimama mwanaume naye akiwa na kimo kirefu na hata rangi yaRead More

Aug 22, 2023

Neno La Mwisho

Ramadhan Makoleko Kwako mwanangu mpenzi; Natumaini uko salama! Mwanangu, nilitamani siku moja nikuone ili angalau nikusimulie kuhusu mambo ya ulimwengu ambayo mimi nilipata kuyaona. Nikusimulie kuhusu vita vilivyowahi kupiganwa na mashujaa; nikusimulie juuRead More